So what do a
hippy, a frat guy, a Wall Street banker, and a big burly biker have in
common? Not a whole lot that I can think
of except you’ll see them all at a Stoney LaRue and the Arsenals concert; and
probably singing along to every word as well.
The broad appeal of his music is somewhat puzzling, but makes it that much
more authentic. I don’t want to listen
to music that only appeals to a small, catered to demographic. I want my foot to tap, my head to bob, and my
heart to break with the music I pay my hard earned dollar to see and
experience. And that’s what you get with
a Stoney LaRue show. You’ll leave
thinking you got away with seeing the main feature at a matinee price.
Between his
yearly trips to Mexico and Alaska and, oh by the
way, releasing the long awaited album, Velvet, it has been a busy year for
Stoney. “I love the trip to Alaska. It
started off with Bleu Edmondson and myself going up there and we try to take
new people with us every year. This year
it was the Braun brothers and of course Jason Boland and Brandon Jenkins. We like to take people who are spiritual and
will know how to take it all in.”

As for the new
album, Velvet, I didn’t know what to expect upon first listening with the
exception of hearing a few songs getting “road tested” at some shows. It feels like a strong departure from some of
the older music. The music seemed to
find Mr. LaRue in a calmer, more reflective state of being. It was different, it was easy flowing, and it
was easy on the ears. All in all, a
beautifully crafted album that has been well worth the wait. “I
could see how that would come across (being calmer, reflective). It does lend its self to a listening
album. There’s a lot of depth to
it. After being on the road for 14 years
I would hope I have some things to look back on. It is reflective but looking forward at the
same time.”
The album does
in fact lend itself to listening. Not
too many albums out there can you get away with listening to at a loud club, a
road trip weekend, and a quiet night at home.
But Stoney is able to pull it off, and judging by looks of it, quite
easily. As previously stated, Stoney
really is one of the nicer guys you’ll ever meet…and yet…badass, all at the
same time. All of us here at LoneStar
Outlaw Review know that there is absolutely nothing standing in the way of him
becoming a household name nationwide.
Catch his current single “Look at Me Fly” out on the radio dial and
don’t be too surprised to hear even more great NEW music in the not too distant
future. Seems as though Stoney isn’t quite
done reflecting just yet…
To find
out when you can catch Stoney LaRue and the Arsenals
in a
town near you, check out:
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Article Written By: Matthew Ricketts ~ Senior Staff
Writer, LoneStar Outlaw Review
Photography Rights belong to LoneStar Outlaw Reivew,
courtesy of ©KelleyStroutPhotography