Matthew Ricketts
has been our lead writer since the inception of this website. Not only does he have a great feel for how to
approach artists and get the solid answers he seeks, but his knowledge and love
of music comes through in his glowing reviews of the bands’ albums and stage
shows. We recently put him on the other
side of the microphone to get the scoop on his upcoming book release filled with
poetry, song lyrics, and short stories.
LoneStar Outlaw Review: How have you gone from not many people knowing of this hidden passion that you have to publishing a book?
Ricketts: It’s been an open secret for many years now. Whoever I was dating would stumble across
things I wrote. It surely came in handy
around Valentine’s Day and birthdays as well.
But there is really only a core group of people that I have continuously
shared pieces with over the years. It’s
a hard thing to open yourself up and show your vulnerabilities in that fashion.
LSO: So why now?
MR: To go back
to the previously mentioned girlfriends, they all have pushed me in this
direction for years and I finally got the extreme push I needed. My girlfriend at the time didn’t give me an
option but to put this out and I’m grateful every day for that. It also goes back to the old philosophy of
“looking back on life and regretting the things you haven’t done”. There’s a thing or two that’s embarrassing
for me in the book but they are still part of who I am. I never hold back on my thoughts and it’s the
best therapy I have ever found for being able to release things.
LSO: What can
the readers expect from this book?

LSO: Who/what are your main inspirations?
MR: Life in general really. About 99% of what I write is from my point of
view. It’s my life so it’s the easiest
to write about and I sometimes have trouble writing from others’ points of
view. The only time that comes naturally
is when there is a national tragedy like 9/11 or the shootings in Connecticut , which were
both included in this book. But mostly
it’s about love, being on the winning and losing side of it. One particular piece is called “Cuts Like a
Knife”. Now when most people read that
they automatically think of the Bryan Adams song but my inspiration for that
actually came from watching Shawshank Redemption where the line gets used
during one of Morgan Freeman’s monologues.
It carried a much heavier weight when he used it in that context and I
turned off the TV right then and wrote that piece. I love it when that happens.
LSO: What is a
typical writing process like for you?

LSO: So what’s next on the horizon?
MR: Keep working 9-5 obviously, but going through
this process has really geared me towards other ideas I’ve had sitting around
forever. I already have enough poetry to
fill another book but also have started putting together my thoughts on
corporate America
which if you know me then you know how I feel on that topic. I also think a relationship book would be fun
to write. I’ve certainly screwed up
enough that I know how to tell you what not to do. Getting this one done and used as my “beta
sample” was a great experience and will make the rest a lot easier.
Matthew Ricketts is having a book release/happy hour @ Mezzanine Lounge (2200 Southwest Freeway Suite 150, Houston , TX ) from 7:00-8:30 this coming Friday night (2/13/15).
Come out and show your support!
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